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on March 19, 2009 at 12:03:40 am








Andreja Furlan

Klement Perko

Nina Kumše

Maja Bratuša

Vadim Mancevič





A chosen situation


An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced. Abortion as a term most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages (Pollock 2007: 72). Abortion has a long history and has been induced by various methods including herbal abortifacients, the use of sharpened tools, physical trauma and other traditional methods. Modern medicine utilizes medications and surgical procedures to induce abortion. The legality, prevalence, and cultural views on abortion vary substantially around the world. In many parts of the world there is intense public debate over the ethical and legal aspects of abortion (Pollock 2007: 73).

Pro-life is a term representing a variety of perspectives and activist movements in bioethics. It most commonly (especially in the media and popular discourse) refers to opposition to abortion and support for fetal rights. The term describes the political and ethical view which maintains that fetuses and embryos are human beings, and therefore have a right to live (Stretton 2004, 144).

Opposition to abortion by some Christians is based on a number of sources. The Didache, a short early Christian treatise, specifically prohibits abortion. The Bible, unlike the Didache, makes no specific mention of abortion, although it does mention unborn life several times. The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is a grave sin against the natural law (Zakaj katoliška Cerkev podpira nekatere zahteve, ki nasprotujejo mnenju drugih?). It believes that human life is sacred (Hribar v Bahovec Dolar 1991, 105). Under this view, abortion is equivalent to murder, and there are no permissible exceptions. When the life of the woman is in jeopardy, it is permissible to obtain life-saving treatment which may have the secondary effect of killing the fetus, but no direct action may be taken against the fetus/embryo itself, and all life-sustaining options must be exhausted. Church law provides that anyone who directly participates in an abortion is automatically excommunicated (Zakaj katoliška Cerkev podpira nekatere zahteve, ki nasprotujejo mnenju drugih?).



The contender



Our contender will be the Slovenian government. Both, the left- and right-wing parties, speak in favour of abortion. However there exist characteristic differences between them. The left-wing parties defend unlimited abortion, paid by the state. On the contrary, the right-wing parties would like that abortion will be regulated (Kos 2007).


In Slovenian legal order abortion is acknowledged as a valid method for termination of pregnancy. The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia in Article 55 provides freedom of choice in bearing children: "Everyone shall be free to decide whether to bear children. The state shall guarantee the opportunities for exercising this freedom and shall create such conditions as will enable parents to decide bear children" (Ustava Republike Slovenije (URS). Ur. l. RS 331/1991-I). The termination of pregnancy is precisely determined in Health Measures in Exercising Freedom of Choice in Childbearing Act (1977), which is allowing abortion at the request of pregnant woman until the 10th week of pregnancy (Teršek 2001).





  In regard of the new governemnt being formed in Slovenia, it is our objective to influence on the decision makers to take action and influence the decision makers in a way which will lead to the prevention of legal abortions in Slovenia. In order to do so, taking into consideration the political epoch we are in, we find it most effective to work by informal means and try to influence the coalition treaty which is forming as we speak. If the aim to prohibit abortions will be successfully integrated in the treaty, it will mean, that it is a commitment that the government has officially taken and must therefore be fulfilled. Keeping in mind that the subject is politically delicate but also crucial to ecclesiastic society, we must lobby in all levels of government and prehaps more important to also influence the public by changing the opinions of all structures in modern society towards our point of view.





- articles in our magazine Družina


- TV comercial "Say no to abortion"


- preaches at our church


- buliding a "safe house"


- Christmas - adressing the public


- proposing anti-abortion legislation







- Bahovec Dolar, Eva, ur. 1991. Abortus – pravica do izbire?! Ljubljana: Skupina “Ženske za politiko”.

- Kos, Janko. 2007. Kolumna. Demokracija, dnevne novice, 17. oktober. Dostopno prek: http://www.demokracija.si/index.php?sekcija=clanki&clanek=567

(30. oktober 2008).

- Pollock, W. J. , 2007. An Argument Against Abortion on Demand. Ratio (new series) XX: 71–7.

- Stretton, Dean. 2004. The Deprivation Argument Against Abortion. Bioethics 18 (2): 144–92.


- Teršek, Andraž. 2001. Primerjava pravnih ureditev abortusa. Ljubljana: Dignitas.

- Ustava Republike Slovenije (URS). Ur. l. RS 331/1991-I. Dostopno prek: http://www.dz-rs.si/index.php?id=150&docid=27&showdoc=1

 (30. oktober 2008).

- Zakaj katoliška Cerkev podpira nekatere zahteve, ki nasprotujejo mnenju drugih? Available at: http://www.1000questions.net/sl/50v/50v35-si.html (28. october 2008).

- Nadškofija Maribor. http://www.slomsek.net/ (29. october 2008).





When should we meet?


Who When I can meet






1st meeting.doc

2nd meeting.doc

3rd meeting.doc

4th meeting.doc

5th meeting.doc

6th meeting.doc

7th meeting.doc

8th meeting.doc






Intermediate report - Klement.doc




Financing a campaign.doc


intermediate report.doc








- Ustava Republike Slovenije (URS). Ur. l. RS 331/1991-I. Dostopno prek: http://www.dz-rs.si/index.php?id=150&docid=27&showdoc=1 (30. oktober 2008).

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